
Apr 4, 2017

You've Been Trumped (#3)

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

Dans MSN News - Apr 4, 2017
Donald Trump has been accused of damaging the prospects of female workers by signing an executive order rolling back Obama-era protections for women in the workplace. The US President last week revoked the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order, which President Barack Obama put in place to ensure companies given federal contracts complied with a raft of labour and civil rights laws. These included two rules that helped protect female employees: wage transparency and a ban on forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment, known as “cover-up clauses” by critics. (..)Women in America currently earn 83 cents for every dollar earned by men doing the same job, according to the latest analysis by the Economic Policy Institute. (..) By repealing the Fair Pay order, Mr Trump has again made it possible for companies previously subject to it to continue to force sexual harassment cases into secret proceedings that are never seen by the public or other employees. Campaigners also say the order discriminates against LGBT people...

Dans CNN - Mar 24, 2017
Federal regulations designed to give you more control over your web browsing history and other personal information may soon be eliminated. (..) The Republican-controlled Senate voted Thursday to roll back rules that would have required internet service providers, such as Comcast or CenturyLink, to ask for permission before tracking and selling your information. That includes everything from where you are to what you're looking at online. A provider could infer that you're sick, for example, because you looked at WebMD. The FCC approved the rules in October, and they had yet to go into effect. If the House also votes to eliminate them, any provider will be able to track and sell your data without telling you.

Dans Fox News - Mar 17, 2017
If you’re a poor person in America, Trump’s budget is not for you.” It “would slash or abolish programs that have provided low-income Americans with help on virtually all fronts, including affordable housing, banking, weatherizing homes, job training, paying home heating oil bills, and obtaining legal counsel in civil matters.”

Dans CNN - Mar 16, 2017
Nutrition for kids in developing countries
McGovern-Dole International Food for Education program promotes both nutrition and school enrollment and advancement in developing countries by providing meals in schools. This proposed cut comes less that one week after the UN humanitarian chief announced that the world is facing the largest threat of famine since 1945, which is only declared when at least 30% of a population is acutely malnourished, and two adults or four children per every 10,000 people are dying each day. This crisis makes McGovern-Dole, as well as other programs administered by the USDA and USAID also on the chopping block, especially essential.

DansLa Presse - Mar 4, 2017
Trump ferme le robinet, l'eau des Montréalais menacée. (..) Principal programme de l'EPA, le projet de restauration des Grands Lacs, qui finance des milliers de projets pour traiter l'eau de cet important bassin, sera grandement affecté, selon un document obtenu par la National Association of Clean Air Agencies. De 300 millions par année, son financement devrait fondre à 10 millions, une baisse de 97%. (..)Sarah Dorner souligne que les conséquences de la pollution des eaux des Grands Lacs sont bien réelles. En août 2014, environ 400 000 habitants de la région de Toledo, en Ohio, se sont vu interdire d'utiliser l'eau du robinet - même après l'avoir fait bouillir - après la détection de cyanobactéries dans leur réseau de distribution d'eau.

Dans CNN - Mar 2, 2017
President Donald Trump's transition team, days before he took office, nixed plans for an orientation class that would have prepared political appointees and White House staff for a series of ethical and legal issues, documents provided to CNN show.

Dans Le Soleil - Feb 24.2017
Un Américain a tué un homme d'origine indienne et en a blessé un autre lors d'une fusillade au cours de laquelle il a hurlé «Sortez de mon pays», croyant les deux victimes originaires du Moyen-Orient. (..) En novembre, dans les 10 jours suivant la victoire à la présidentielle de Donald Trump, qui avait usé d'un discours incendiaire durant sa campagne, une organisation américaine des droits de l'homme, le Southern Poverty Law Center, a dénombré 867 incidents racistes aux États-Unis, dont 100 à caractère antisémite.

Dans ABC News - Feb 23. 2017
Trump administration reverses transgender bathroom guidance. Just last month the White House said Donald Trump is "respectful and supportive of LGBTQ rights," but following Wednesday's reversal of Obama-era guidance directing schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, the president's alleged affinity for such rights has been questioned... When asked during a TV interview in April (..) Trump said transgender individuals in North Carolina should be able to "use the bathroom they feel is appropriate." He added that state lawmakers should "leave it the way it is."

Dans La Presse - Feb 21, 2017
Amnesty accuse Donald Trump de propager des discours haineux. Des dirigeants du monde entier, comme Donald Trump aux États-Unis, propagent des discours de haine «diabolisant» certains groupes, une rhétorique «toxique» qui rend le monde plus dangereux, s'alarme Amnesty International dans son rapport annuel mercredi. (..) Ces discours de rejet et de haine ont des effets directs sur les droits et libertés, pointe Amnesty: «Des gouvernements ont fait voter des lois qui restreignent le droit d'asile, la liberté d'expression, qui légitiment la surveillance de masse ou donnent aux forces de l'ordre des pouvoirs illimités».

Dans La Presse - Feb 19, 2017
Le sénateur de l'Arizona a fait ces commentaires lors d'une entrevue pour le réseau NBC, l'animateur lui avait demandé  comment il se sentait au sujet du tweet du président Donald Trump critiquant «les faux médias d'information» qui sont «l'ennemi du peuple américain». John McCain a souligné que les politiciens avaient besoin d'une presse libre. Il a dit: «Quand on regarde l'histoire, la première chose que font les dictateurs c'est de museler la presse.»

Dans NBC News - Feb 16, 2017
President Donald Trump defended his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, during a fiery and wide-ranging news conference Thursday afternoon, saying the retired general "did nothing wrong" and blasting the media for their reporting on the scandal. (..) Experts say Flynn's conversations could have violated the Logan Act.
Dans ABC News - Feb 20, 2017
Vice President Mike Pence today said he was "disappointed" that now former national security adviser Michael Flynn misled him...

Dans La Presse - Feb 16, 2017
Frontière américaine: passeport et mots de passe, SVP!
Le secrétaire à la Sécurité intérieure, John Kelly, a déclaré la semaine dernière qu'il était possible qu'on demande à certains d'entre eux, dans un avenir rapproché, de dévoiler les mots de passe permettant d'accéder à leurs comptes sur des réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, Twitter ou Instagram. (..) Mme Llanso note que des douaniers ont exigé à plusieurs reprises les codes d'accès de téléphones portables pour pouvoir explorer leur contenu. Des demandes relatives aux réseaux sociaux ont aussi été relevées, dit-elle. En principe, l'accès au contenu d'un téléphone est étroitement balisé aux États-Unis, et un mandat est requis pour que la police puisse y accéder.

Dans La Presse - Feb 8, 2017
Une citoyenne canadienne de confession musulmane qui dit vivre au Québec depuis plus de 20 ans croit qu'elle n'a pu entrer aux États-Unis samedi dernier à cause de sa religion. (..) Les deux femmes ont ensuite été conduites aux bureaux des douanes où elles ont remis leurs téléphones cellulaires et les mots de passe avant d'attendre pendant une heure. De longs interrogatoires ont suivi. Mme Alaoui signale qu'elle a été questionnée presque uniquement sur sa religion. On lui a ensuite demandé ce qu'elle pensait du président Donald Trump ...

Dans CNN - Feb 8, 2017
... Gorsuch, who's largely been silent since Trump nominated him last week, took exception to Trump calling a federal judge in Seattle a "so-called judge" after blocking the President's travel ban. (..) Gorsuch told Schumer in a meeting Tuesday that an attack on his fellow judges is an attack on all... Trump's tweets have disturbed many in the legal community. While it is not unusual for a president to disagree with a ruling from the Judicial Branch, Trump is using his Twitter account to call out individual judges while cases are being heard. (..) Last summer, Trump also went after US District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was oveseeing a Trump University lawsuit. Although Curiel was born in Indiana, Trump said he was in an "absolute conflict" in presiding over litigation given that he was of "Mexican heritage." (..) "Any time a federal judge receives a threat, the marshals investigate and provide the proper protection based on that threat," Roderick said. "Anybody that has looked at what the US Marshals do has got to realize that an attack on any judge is an attack on the rule of law of the United States."

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

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