
Oct 24, 2017

You've been Trumped (#5)

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

Dans La Presse - OCT 24
«Je pense que les choses qui se passent aujourd’hui sont mauvaises pour notre pays. Je pense que quand son mandat sera terminé, les contre-vérités permanentes, les insultes (…) c’est ce qui restera et c’est regrettable. Cela a un impact sur les jeunes. Vous avez des jeunes qui, pour le première fois, regardent le président qui dit des choses qui sont tout simplement des contre-vérités (…) C’est très triste pour notre pays. (..) J’ai exprimé il y a quelques semaines mes inquiétudes concernant son leadership, sa stabilité (…) et rien n’a changé.» Corker (sénateur républicain du Tennessee) a tenu ces propos quelques heures avant un lunch auquel Trump devait participer avec les sénateurs républicains.
Addendum - «Quand son mandat sera terminé, l'avilissement de notre pays, les contre-vérités permanentes, les insultes (...) c'est ce qui restera et c'est regrettable» - Corker.

Dans La Presse - OCT 18
Alors qu'elle était en route pour accueillir son cercueil, son épouse, Myeshia Johnson, enceinte de leur troisième enfant, a reçu un appel de Donald Trump dans la voiture, selon Frederica Wilson, élue démocrate de Floride à la Chambre des représentants. «Je n'ai pas entendu toute la conversation téléphonique, mais je l'ai entendu dire "je suis sûr qu'il savait ce pour quoi il s'engageait, mais ça reste douloureux"», a affirmé la parlementaire sur CNN. (..) «Et ce n'est pas le pire. Elle pleurait tout le temps et quand elle a raccroché, elle m'a regardé et a dit: «il ne se souvenait même plus de son nom». C'est ça qui a vraiment fait mal», a ajouté Frederica Wilson sur MSNBC...

Dans La Presse - OCT 17
«Avoir peur d’un monde que nous avons façonné et guidé pendant trois quarts de siècle, abandonner les idéaux que nous avons défendus partout dans le monde, refuser l’obligation de leadership sur la scène internationale [...] au nom d’un nationalisme fallacieux et indigeste concocté par des gens qui préfèrent chercher des boucs émissaires plutôt que de régler des problèmes – [tout cela] est aussi antipatriotique qu’une dévotion à n’importe quel dogme éculé du passé que les Américains ont relégué aux oubliettes de l’histoire.» - John McCain, sénateur d’Arizona, dressant un réquisitoire enflammé contre le «trumpisme» hier soir lors d’un discours à Philadelphie, où il a reçu la Médaille de la Liberté.

Dans NPR - OCT 14
U.S. Slashes Funds For Family Planning In Madagascar. In Madagascar the change is forcing dramatic cutbacks by the largest provider of long-term contraception in the country, the British nonprofit Marie Stopes International. Nearly half of Marie Stopes funding in Madagascar, millions of dollars a year, had been coming from USAID. (..)  "We are providing post-abortion care," she says. "We are providing post-abortion family planning." Razafinasoa pauses. She shakes her head as if she still can't really believe these cuts are happening. "It will be a disaster," she says.

Dans La Presse - Oct 9, 2017
«Il [Trump] devrait inquiéter tous ceux qui aiment notre pays», a déclaré Corker, qui préside la commission du Sénat sur les Affaires étrangères. (..)
«Je ne sais pas pourquoi le président tweete des choses qui ne sont pas vraies», a encore dire Corker. «Vous savez qu’il le fait, tout le monde le sait, mais il continue

Dans Washington Post - DEC 18
IncomeAverage tax changeShare getting a cut or hike*
$0 to $25,400


$25,400 to $48,600


$48,600 to $86,100


$86,100 to $149,400


$149,400 to $216,800


$216,800 to $307,900


$307,900 to $732,800


Over $732,800


All taxpayers



Dans La Presse - Sep 20, 2017
Trump salue l'Afrique, où ses amis vont pour «devenir riches».

Dans CNN - Aug 14, 2017
As Acosta pressed, asking if reporters could ask more questions, Trump turned to him and said, "I like real news, not fake news, you are fake news." Acosta responded: "Haven't you spread a lot of fake news yourself, sir?" Trump's declaration that "we had a press conference" seemed to confirm what some White House correspondents already surmised -- that Trump is counting any appearance in front of the press corps as a press conference. Journalists, historians and past presidents all agree on a different definition. A "press conference" is a structured, seated event where the president fields a series of questions. "Press availabilities" or "Q&A sessions" are more informal opportunities to ask questions of the president. Trump's speeches on Monday met neither definition. "It's not a press conference if you don't take questions from reporters," CNN White House reporter Kaitlan Collins said on the air after Trump claimed "we just had a press conference." David Graham of The Atlantic remarked on Twitter that Trump "says confidently that there was a press conference that didn't happen, which is some aggressive gaslighting." Acosta later called it a "flat-out falsehood."

Dans La Presse - August 4, 2017
Le Washington Post a même comptabilisé les jours passés par Donald Trump dans ses résidences ou consacrés à une partie de golf. Fin août, Donald Trump aura pris 53 jours de «loisirs» contre 15 pour Barack Obama, selon ce décompte.
«Je quitterai rarement la Maison-Blanche parce qu'il y a tellement de travail à faire», avait dit Donald Trump pendant la campagne électorale en juillet 2015.
«Je n'aurai pas le temps de jouer au golf», avait-il ajouté en août 2016.
Les Américains ont en moyenne dix jours de congés payés par an, selon le magazine Fortune.

Dans La Presse - August 3, 2017
Le président américain voulait qu’EPN (Enrique Pena Nieto) cesse de dire publiquement qu’il n’avait aucunement l’intention de payer pour la construction d’un mur le long de la frontière américano-mexicaine. Il a expliqué à son interlocuteur que son refus le faisait mal paraître auprès de ses électeurs auxquels il avait promis au cours des deux années précédentes que le Mexique paierait pour le fameux mur. «Cela me met dans une mauvaise position», a-t-il dit en demandant au président du Mexique de l’aider à berner ses électeurs en jouant la comédie en public. Nieto a refusé d’obtempérer à cette demande. (...) L’entretien illustre l’incapacité totale de Trump de comprendre un argument qui ne correspond pas à ses idées préconçues. (..) «Cette entente va me faire mal paraître», a déclaré le nouveau président en faisant allusion à un accord négocié par l’administration Obama qui s’était engagée d’accueillir 1 250 réfugiés, des Rohingya de confession musulmane pour la plupart, retenus dans les centres de détentions australiens de Nauru et Manus.
«M. le président, je pense que cela vous fait paraître comme un homme qui respecte les engagements des États-Unis, a répliqué Turnbull (premier ministre australien). Cela démontre que vous êtes un…»
«O.K., cela démontre que je suis une andouille», a déclaré Trump en coupant la parole à son interlocuteur.

Dans La Presse - July 26, 2017
... Donald Trump a indiqué mercredi que les personnes transgenres ne pourront pas servir dans l'armée américaine, estimant qu'elle ne pouvait notamment pas «supporter le fardeau des coûts médicaux énormes». (..) Selon le ministère de la Défense, il y aurait de 2500 à 7000 personnes transgenres sur les 1,3 million de militaires en activité.

First Lady or Lady first

Dans ABC News - June 21, 2017
Trump: "And I love all people — rich or poor — but in those particular positions [dealing with economic issues], I just don't want a poor person."

Dans CNN - June 20, 2017
President Trump? He had nothing to say. Had the news been of an attack by Muslims, he has by now made clear, he would have boldly taken to Twitter, no matter the hour, and used an instance of outrageous violence to justify his policies. But when it's violence against Muslims, and especially by terrorists who share sympathies with white supremacists, if they are not themselves neo-Nazis, well then it's crickets. After a mass shooting at a mosque in Quebec, nothing. After a man in Portland stabbed to death two others on a train who were trying to defend a woman from his anti-Muslim epithets -- nothing. And now after London -- nothing.

Dans Bleach Report
Forward David West [of Golden State Warriors, 22017 NBA Champion] also similarly categorized Trump as a bully. "All the tactics he used to get elected are the very things that someone like me, who works with youth on a consistent basis, are the things we try to talk our young folks out of being," he said, per Dave Zirin of The Nation. "We try to talk our young people out of being bullies. We try to talk our young men out of disrespecting women. We try to talk our young people into being accepting of other people's opinions and other people's walks of life."

Dans CNN - June 12, 2017
Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."
I mean, WHAT?!?
The whole thing reminded me of a scene directly from the boardroom of "The Apprentice." A group of supplicants all desperately trying to hold on to their spots on the show by effusively praising Trump -- each one trying to take it a step further than the last. And Trump in the middle of it all, totally and completely pleased with himself. (Reminder: Around that Cabinet table are hugely accomplished generals, billionaires and political people with long track records of success.)
What those contestants knew is the same thing Trump's Cabinet has now realized: Flattery will get you everywhere. Donald Trump's favorite topic of conversation is Donald Trump. The best way to talk about Donald Trump, if you want to keep working for Donald Trump, is to praise Donald Trump. The more over-the-top, the better.
Dans La Presse - June 12, 2017
Trump réunit son équipe pour... un concert de louanges.

Dans CNN - May 26, 2017
The cell phone videos show the underbelly of American society. Racist vitriol, mostly directly at Latinos, shared on social media. In an Arkansas Walmart, an unidentified shopper told a woman "go back to Mexico," and called another woman the N-word. At a Nevada airport, one man yelled profanities at another man speaking Spanish on the phone to his mother. And in a Virginia Sprint store, a woman hurled a racist slur at a customer named Juan, saying: "This is my f***ing country." (..) "It means that America is back where it was ... decades ago. That kind of thing went out of fashion with the Civil Rights movement; the Trump campaign brought it back into fashion," said the Rev. Joseph A. Darby, vice president of the Charleston, South Carolina, NAACP branch.

Dans La Presse - May 24, 2017
Even the Pope has been trumped... :-)

Dans CNN - May 22, 2017
President Trump's first budget can be summed up like this: Big gifts for the rich, big cuts for the poor.
1. Cuts to Medicaid (Over $600 billion in the next decade)
2. Cuts to food stamps, known as SNAP ($193 billion over 10 years)
3. Cuts to student loans ($143 billion over 10 years)
4. Cuts to federal worker retirement programs ($63 billion over 10 years)
Mulvaney probably should have added a fifth bullet: Disability programs also get a massive haircut. (..) All the top tax rates on businesses and individuals go down. He also eliminates the Obamacare surcharge on wealthy investors. Trump is giving rich investors (who earn over $200,000 a year) a tax break ... Arguably the biggest gift to the rich is eliminating the estate tax. (..) Experts across the political spectrum say the biggest problem with Trump's budget is that the math doesn't add up.

Dans CNN - May 18, 2017
Trump's lifelong practice of exploiting others and shirking responsibility guaranteed that he would indulge in the reckless behavior that has brought him, and the world, to this crisis point. This is a man who has spent decades wounding others -- and himself -- at an astonishing rate and has responded to the various wreckages with a combination of denial and defensiveness. These classic bully characteristics have allowed him to avoid most of the repercussions of his behavior. Before he became a national political figure, most Americans were unaware of the fact that Trump's businesses had lost at least $1 billion and perhaps as much as $6 billion during a business career he claimed was a brilliant success. The money was supplied by investors and, since it was filtered through corporation, Trump was never held personally accountable. (..) Winning is everything to Trump, and in his life before the presidency, he used the same (old bully boy tactics) limited methods -- defiance, deception, distraction -- over and over again to get what he wanted.

Dans ABC News - May 17, 2017
U.S. immigration arrests increased nearly 40 percent in early 2017 as newly emboldened agents under President Donald Trump detained more than 40,000 people suspected of being in the country illegally (..) Some highlights in the numbers:
— 41,300 immigrants were arrested on suspicion of being in the country illegally between Jan. 22 and Apr. 29, up from 30,000 from Jan. 24 to April 30 last year.
— 30,500 of those arrested had criminal convictions, compared to 25,800 for the earlier period.
— 10,800 did not have criminal convictions, compared to 4,200 in the previous period..

Dans CNN - May 8, 2017
The Environmental Protection Agency dismissed half the scientists who serve on a science review board that plays a crucial role in the work the EPA does, CNN has learned Monday. The EPA relies heavily on the scientific guidance of the group when it comes to air and water quality when making policy decisions. An EPA spokesman told CNN there are a total of 18 positions on this particular advisory board, and nine of those scientists were not renewed following the end of their three-year term. There is a notable ideological shift at the agency under the Trump administration and EPA head Scott Pruitt. Some in the scientific community say the dismissal of such a large number of scientists from the EPA's Board of Scientific Counselors is further evidence of that. Gretchen Goldman, research director at the Center for Science and Democracy asked, "What's the scientific reason for removing these individuals from this EPA science review board? It is rare to see such a large scale dismissal even in a presidential transition." She added, "The EPA is treating this scientific advisory board like its members are political appointees when these committees are not political positions. The individuals on these boards are appointed based on scientific expertise not politics. This move by the EPA is inserting politics into science. "

Dans La Presse - May 3, 2017
Le «Mission accomplie» de Trump? Pour le moment, l’image qui reste est celle d’un groupe d’élus républicains, la plupart des hommes riches, blancs et chrétiens, célébrant un projet de loi (abrogeant et remplaçant l’Obamacare) qui favorise les Américains les plus riches et en bonne santé et qui nuit aux Américains les moins riches et en mauvaise santé.

Dans Washington Post - May 3, 2017
What is most alarming (and mortifying to the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated) is not that Trump has entered his eighth decade unscathed by even elementary knowledge about the nation’s history. As this column has said before, the problem isn’t that he (Trump) does not know this or that, or that he does not know that he does not know this or that. Rather, the dangerous thing is that he does not know what it is to know something. (..) As a candidate, Trump did not know what the nuclear triad is... As president-elect, Trump did not know the pedigree and importance of the one-China policy...

Dans ABC News - May 3, 2017
President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order Thursday with the intention of easing restrictions imposed by the Johnson Amendment, the rule limiting political participation by tax-exempt religious groups, according to senior administration officials. (..) Some supporters of the Johnson Amendment claim that organizations receiving tax exemption from the government should not directly engage with those who could determine whether to increase or decrease their benefits. Those opposed claim it violates the First Amendment's freedom of speech protections.

Dans CNN - May 2, 2017
Girls Who Code founder to Ivanka Trump: Don't use my story (..) Saujani is one of many critics who have used the word "complicit" to label what they perceive to be Ivanka Trump's silence on her father's policy positions. Ivanka Trump is a White House adviser and an unpaid federal employee with a West Wing office.
Dans CNN - May 2, 2017
Ivanka Trump's new book, "Women Who Work," includes an inspirational quote from Jane Goodall, the globe-trotting animal behavior expert and conservationist.
"What you do makes a difference," reads the quote, "and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
But Goodall has some advice for the first daughter, too. (..) She said she was not aware that Ivanka Trump planned to use her quote in the book, but she said: "I sincerely hope she will take the full import of my words to heart. She is in a position to do much good or terrible harm.""Legislation that was passed by previous governments to protect wildlife such as the Endangered Species Act, create national monuments and other clean air and water legislation have all been jeopardized by this administration," she continued. "I hope that Ms. Trump will stand with us to value and cherish our natural world and protect this planet for future generations." Goodall, 83, holds the honorary title of messenger of peace for the United Nations and is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, which advocates for wildlife and conservation.

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

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