
Sep 8, 2018

You've Been Trumped (#6)

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

Dans CNN - September 8, 2018
"Although [GOP fundraiser] Mr. Broidy said that Mr. Trump was 'an idiot,' who 'could not even pronounce the names of countries correctly,' " the newly unsealed court documents filed by Bechard say, "Mr. Broidy admired Mr. Trump's uncanny ability to sexually abuse woman and get away with it. Mr. Broidy began to hurt Ms. Bechard physically during their sexual activities -- touching her in ways to which she did not consent."

Dans La Presse - June 20, 2018
Un collectif de juristes et de responsables religieux a demandé mercredi la révocation de la licence de vente d'alcool à l'hôtel Trump International de Washington, estimant que le président américain ne répond pas au critère d'«honnêteté» inscrit dans la loi de la capitale fédérale. (..) Les signataires - deux anciens juges, trois pasteurs et deux rabbins - affirment que M. Trump, «dans son attitude avant et pendant son mandat, a démontré qu'il n'était pas une personne honnête». (..) La plainte évoque «la longue histoire de mensonges» de Donald Trump sur l'étendue de sa fortune, les conflits d'intérêts avec son empire économique ou sa relation avec l'actrice pornographique Stormy Daniels. Il aurait aussi «profité de ceux qui sont moins puissants, une caractéristique des personnes malhonnêtes», estime le collectif, qui cite les 16 plaintes pour agressions sexuelles déposées contre M. Trump ou ses «nombreux commentaires ouvertement racistes».

Sur Twitter - June 15, 2018

TRUMP on Kim Jong Un (note the final two sentences): "He's the head of a country, and I mean he's the strong head. Don't let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same." (via FOX)

Dans BBC - June 10, 2018

L'empreinte du pouce droit d'Emmanuel Macron est clairement visible sur la main de Donald Trump, après leur poignée de main samedi après-midi. PHOTO AFP

Dans Richard Hétu blog - May 15, 2018
Pas sûr que le Daily News de New York aurait publié cette une à l’époque où le magnat de l’immobilier Mort Zuckerman, ardent défenseur d’Israël (et natif de Montréal), en était le propriétaire. En qualifiant Ivanka Trump de «petit vampire à papa», le tabloïd a clairement signifié qu’il ne se satisfaisait pas de la position de la Maison-Blanche selon laquelle le Hamas était entièrement responsable de la mort des 59 Palestiniens tués par des soldats israéliens lors des manifestations dans la bande de Gaza qui ont précédé l’ouverture de la nouvelle ambassade des États-Unis à Jérusalem.

Dans CNN - May 11, 2018
Earlier this week, three black Airbnb guests checked out of their rental only to be met by seven police cars. The three black guests (..) were also traveling with a fourth guest, who is a white woman. But according to the their attorneys, the neighbor only told police about three suspicious black people. (..)
Two black men were arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks after they sat inside without ordering anything. Starbucks apologized and reached an undisclosed settlement with the men.
A pair of Native American teens on a college tour were briefly detained by police after the parent of another prospective student called police because she said they made her "nervous." School officials apologized.
A group of black women said a golf course in Pennsylvania called the police after accusing them of playing too slowly.
LA Fitness apologized to two black men who were booted from a gym in New Jersey and had the police called on them amid racial profiling allegations.
And this week, a white woman called police on a black Yale graduate for napping in her dorm's common room.

Dans CNN - May 4, 2018
The strange collection of extremists running for office as Republicans. A criminal record is no longer a barrier to entry for GOP candidates...
Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is running for Senate, after receiving a pardon from Trump for a contempt of court charge for failing to curb his anti-immigrant and anti-Latino racial profiling policies in violation of civil rights....
Don Blankenship, the former coal mining company head who went to prison for a year on mine safety charges that were brought after a disaster that killed 29 miners...
... former FBI agent and Rep. Michael Grimm, who pleaded guilty to tax evasion, is making a comeback as a Trump loyalist after serving seven months behind bars...
... Omar Navarro, who pleaded guilty to placing a tracking device on his wife's car. The extreme right wing, pro-Trump candidate has support from Michael Flynn...
... Arthur Jones, who denies the Holocaust and was denounced as a Nazi by Illinois Republicans, yet became the GOP nominee in Illinois' 3rd district.
... Paul Nehlen, a white supremacist who is a self-described "pro-White Christian American candidate"...
E.W. Jackson, a black right-wing pastor, hopes to unseat Sen. Tim Kaine in Virginia. The homophobic candidate called LGBTQ people "perverted," "degenerate," "spiritually darkened" and "frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally"

Dans CNN - May 2, 2018
Paul Krugman thinks the Republican tax law is failing to stimulate economic growth as promised. Republicans promised last year that lowering the corporate tax rate would encourage companies to invest more in new factories and equipment, which would create jobs and boost the economy. But so far, many companies have used the money to reward shareholders... One recent example is Apple (AAPL), which announced Tuesday that it will spend $100 billion more on stock buybacks...Wall Street usually loves buybacks because they provide persistent demand for stocks while inflating earnings per share. But Goldman Sachs (GS) expressed skepticism last week about companies focused on returning vast amounts of cash through buybacks and dividends instead of investing.

Dans La Presse - April 13, 2018
Le livre de James Comey, intitulé A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, dresse le portrait d'un président menteur son entourage à un code de loyauté rappelant l'attitude d'un chef «mafieux».
«Le cercle silencieux qui acquiesce. Le boss qui fait le jour et la nuit. Les serments de fidélité. La vision du monde selon laquelle tous sont contre nous. Le mensonge généralisé, qu'il soit petit ou gros, au service d'une sorte de code de loyauté qui place l'organisation au-dessus de la moralité et de la vérité», écrit-il en particulier. Pour James Comey, le 45e président des États-Unis est «détaché de la vérité et des valeurs institutionnelles».

Dans Google
Donald Trump Doesn't Understand the U.S. Political System or ...
The foreign policy questions that President Trump does not understand
Donald Trump does not understand trade, chapter XXXIII
Trump Loves the Market. He Just Doesn't Understand It - Bloomberg
How Well Does Trump Understand NASA? - The Atlantic
Donald Trump doesn't know the difference between climate and ...
Donald Trump is very confused about attorney-client privilege ...
Trump doesn't understand history': Native Americans tell their story in ...
Trump doesn't understand that the freedom to protest is fundamental to ...
Trump Boasts He's Repealed Obamacare, Doesn't Understand Law
Trump Doesn't Understand Why He Can't Give Orders to 'My Guys' at ...

Dans La Presse - April 11, 2018
Donald Trump sur Twitter le 28 août 2013 :
«Pourquoi continuons-nous à annoncer quand nous allons attaquer la Syrie...»
Donald Trump sur Twitter le 11 avril 2018 :
«Tiens-toi prête Russie, parce qu’ils viendront [les missiles], beaux et neufs et ‘intelligents!’»
À noter que Donald Trump ne tient pas seulement des propos contradictoires d’une époque à l’autre. Il en tient aussi d’une minute à l’autre. Ce matin, après avoir mis en garde la Russie, il a publié un tweet déplorant la détérioration de la relation américano-russe :
«Il n’y a pas de raison à cela. La Russie a besoin qu’on l’aide ..»

Dans New York Times - January 3, 2018
The 425 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
Dans La Presse - February 23. 2018
Samuel Zeif, survivant de la fusillade... «Tout ce que j’ai dit venait directement du coeur, et il a dû écrire ‘Je vous entends’», a déclaré Zeif. «La moitié du temps pendant la rencontre, il avait les bras croisés. J’avais le goût de lui dire, ‘M. le Président, décroisez vos bras’. Pour moi, c’est le signe international de la fermeture d’esprit».

Dans CNN - February 21, 2018
 President Trump tweeted, "I really like the Koch Brothers (members of my [Palm Beach] Club), but I don't want their money or anything else from them. Cannot influence Trump!"
The Kochs spent $20 million to promote the unpopular Republican tax cuts, and now stand to see their tax bill slashed by as much as $1.4 billion a year. They thanked Speaker Paul Ryan for pushing it through with a $500,000 donation to his political fundraising committee and a promise to spend $20 million more to tout the tax giveaway in upcoming elections. When billionaires spend millions to convince Americans that the tax cuts are good, it might actually be a sign that for most people, they aren't.

Dans CNN - February 16, 2018
Last February, he signed a measure that revoked an Obama-era regulation, which required the Social Security Administration to disclose information to the national gun background check system about certain people with mental illness on a quarterly basis. "So President Trump now, based on his actions, allows mentally ill people to purchase guns when over a year ago they could not," Bogen said. Bogen argued that Trump is a hypocrite because he supports the purchasing of assault weapons, "and then comes down here and wants to act as though this is horrible, and this shouldn't happen, but goes back to Washington and supports it." "It is hypocrisy, it is absolute hypocrisy," Bogen said.

Dans La Presse - February 13, 2018
«Je ne couperai pas dans le régime de pension (Social Security) comme tous les autres républicains et je ne couperai pas les programmes d’assurance-maladie (Medicare et Medicaid).» Pendant sa campagne présidentielle, Donald Trump a fait cette promesse. Hier, en dévoilant son budget pour l’année 2019, il l’a trahi de façon spectaculaire. Il propose des coupes de 554 milliards de dollars sur dix au programme d’assurance-maladie pour les personnes âgées et handicapées (Medicare) et de 250 milliards de dollars sur dix ans au programme d’assurance-maladie pour les personnes à faible revenu (Medicaid). Les coupes proposées par Donald Trump ne s’arrêtent pas là. Le président s’attaque à plusieurs autres dépenses non-militaires, dont celles liées à l’aide alimentaire, la protection de l’environnement et l’éducation. Malgré tout, ce budget ajouterait 984 milliards de dollars au déficit en 2019 et 7 000 milliards de dollars au déficit sur une décennie

Dans CNN - February 8, 2018
Immigration arrests have increased by 42% since Trump took office, according to the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Dans Washington Post - January 12, 2018
President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting. “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.

Dans Washington Post - November 14, 2017
Fact Checker Analysis
President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days... or an average of 5.5 claims a day. (...) the president has a tendency to repeat himself — often. There are now at least 50 claims that he has repeated three or more times. (..) repeatedly takes credit for events or business decisions that happened before he took the oath of office — or had even been elected. Fifty-five times, he has touted that ...

Series on "You've been Trumped" : #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6

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